

澳门六合彩开奖记录资料  澳门六合彩开奖记录资料   学术活动


发布时间:2024/11/21 14:52:16

澳门六合彩开奖记录资料 建院30周年



Supply chain structure and blockchain deployment in competing supply chains

主 讲 人:加拿大劳瑞尔大学 施春明教授

报告时间20241126日(周) 上午9:00~11:00(北京时间)

报告地点:腾讯会议 会议号:372 271 118


This talk is about supply chain structures and blockchain deployment strategies of two competing manufacturer-retailer supply chains. In this talk, we first review the research literature on supply chain structures, especially when decentralization may benefit supply chains. Then, unlike prior literature focusing on blockchain deployment in decentralized supply chains, we examine three potential supply chain structures: both decentralized, only one centralized, and both centralized. We derive the equilibrium blockchain deployment strategies for these three supply chain structures, contingent upon the customers’ privacy concerns. Our main findings are as follows. First, centralized supply chains always result in lower retail prices regardless of the blockchain deployment strategy. Second, the optimal supply chain structures and blockchain deployment strategies are interlinked. Third, for all supply chain structures, deploying blockchain (or non-blockchain) benefits both supply chains when customers’ privacy concerns are low (high). Importantly, when customers’ privacy concerns are medium, the blockchain strategy can transition from non-deployment to deployment, depending on the supply chain structures. Finally, we discuss the research stream of the benefits of supply chain (partial) centralization.



施春明博士于1994-1999年在中国科技大学获得工学和商学双学士, 1999-2001年在新加坡国立大学获得工学硕士, 2002-2007年在华盛顿州立大学获得商学博士, 他现任加拿大劳瑞尔大学商学与经济学院的正教授(终身教职)。他两次担任过加拿大管理学会的管理科学分会主席。

施博士的主要研究教学兴趣为管理科学, 运营管理, 物流管理,供应链管理,和大数据决策。他已经发表70余篇高质量期刊论文, 多数发表于国际一流杂志包括Production and Operations Management, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, European Journal of Operational Research, International Journal of Production Economics, Journal of Operational Research Society, International Journal of Management Science and IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics. His research has been supported by Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) and Chartered Accountants of Canada。他的研究受到加拿大国家自然科学和技术基金和加拿大特许会计师协会的大力资助, 曾荣获加拿大管理学协会年会的最佳论文奖。他指导了多位博士后,访问学者,博士生,和硕士生. 他也几次担任高水平期刊的专刊主编。





