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姓名:国潇丹 性别:女 职务:0 职称:讲师 联系电话: 所在部门:经济学系 E-mail: |
[email protected]
[1] Guo Xiaodan, Xiao Bowen, Su Hongyan. Quantifying the drivers of PM2.5 variation in Shenyang, China: A factor decomposition model. Journal of Environmental Management, 2022, 323, 116170. (SCI ABS*3)
[2] Guo Xiaodan*, Xiao Bowen. How can pricing strategy for district heating help China realize cleaner residential heating?. Energy Economics, 2022, 110, 106035. (SSCI ABS*3)
[3] Guo Xiaodan, Jia Ce, Xiao Bowen. Spatial variations of PM2.5 emissions and social welfare induced by clean heating transition: A gridded cost-benefit analysis. Science of the Total Environment, 2022, 826, 154065. (SCI 一区TOP)
[4] Guo Xiaodan*, Xiao Bowen, Song Lifeng. Emission reduction and energy-intensity enhancement: The expected and unexpected consequences of China’s coal consumption constraint policy. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 271, 122691. (SCI 一区TOP)
[5] Guo Xiaodan*, Xiao Bowen, Song Lifeng. What cause the decline of energy intensity in China's cities? A comprehensive panel-data analysis. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019, 1298-1313. (SCI 一区TOP)
[6] Guo Xiaodan, Guo Xiaopeng. China's photovoltaic power development under policy incentives: A system dynamics analysis. Energy, 2016, 93: 589 -598. (SCI 一区TOP)
[7] Guo Xiaodan, Niu Dongxiao, Xiao Bowen. Assessment of Air-Pollution Control Policy’s Impact on China’s PV Power: A System Dynamics Analysis. Energies, 2016, 9(5), 336. (SCI)
[8] Liu Dunnan, Guo Xiaodan (共同一作), Xiao Bowen. What causes growth of global greenhouse gas emissions? Evidence from 40 countries. Science of The Total Environment, 2019, 661, 750-766. (SCI 一区TOP)
[9] Xiaopeng Guo(导师), Guo Xiaodan*. Nuclear power development in China after the restart of new nuclear construction and approval: A system dynamics analysis. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2016, 57: 999-1007. (SCI 一区TOP)
[10] Xiaopeng Guo(导师), Guo Xiaodan. A Panel Data Analysis of the Relationship Between Air Pollutant Emissions, Economics, and Industrial Structure of China. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 2016, 52(6):1315-1324. (SSCI ABS*2)
[11] 宋国君(导师), 国潇丹*, 杨啸, 刘帅. 沈阳市PM2.5浓度ARIMA-SVM组合预测研究. 中国环境科学, 2018, 38(11): 4031-4039.
[12] 宋国君(导师), 国潇丹*. 城市生活直接能耗分类评估. 中国人口·资源与环境, 2018, 28(06): 1-10.
[13] Xiao Bowen; Fan Ying, Guo Xiaodan; Xiang Lin. Re-evaluating environmental tax: an intergenerational perspective on health, education and retirement, Energy Economics, 2022,110, 105999. (SSCI ABS*3)
[14] Xiao Bowen; Fan Ying, Guo Xiaodan; Voigt Sebastian; Cui Lianbiao. Effects of linking national carbon markets on international macroeconomics: An open-economy E-DSGE model, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2022, 169, 108166 (SCI一区)
[15] Xiao Bowen, Fan Ying, Guo Xiaodan. Dynamic interactive effect and co-design of SO2 emission tax and CO2 emission trading scheme. Energy Policy, 2021, 152, 112212. (SCI 一区TOP / SSCI ABS*2)
[16] Xiao Bowen, Fan Ying, Guo Xiaodan. Exploring the macroeconomic fluctuations under different environmental policies in China: A DSGE approach. Energy Economics, 2018, 76, 439-456. (SSCI ABS*3)
[17] Xiao Bowen, Niu Dongxiao, Guo Xiaodan. Can natural gas-fired power generation break through the dilemma in China? A system dynamics analysis. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2016, 137. (SCI 一区TOP)
[18] Xiao Bowen, Niu Dongxiao, Guo Xiaodan. Can China achieve its 2020 carbon intensity target? A scenario analysis based on system dynamics approach. Ecological Indicators, 2016, 71, 99-112. (SCI)
[19] Liu Dunnan, Liu Mingguang, Xu Erfeng, Pang Bo, Guo Xiaodan*, Xiao Bowen, Niu Dongxiao, Comprehensive effectiveness assessment of renewable energy generation policy: A partial equilibrium analysis in China. Energy Policy, 2018, 115, 330-341. (SCI 一区TOP / SSCI ABS*2)
[1] 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,清洁取暖补贴退坡的冲击及其长效减缓机制研究,2023-2025,主持
[2] 教育部人文社科基金青年基金项目,清洁取暖“后补贴时代”的财政资金退坡路径及长效承接机制设计研究,2022-2025,主持
[3] 中国博士后科学基金第72批面上项目,考虑居民健康损益和城乡异质性的清洁取暖引致能源贫困问题研究,2022-2024,主持
[4] 中央高校基本科研业务费项目,基于网格化成本效益分析的城乡异质性清洁供暖方案设计,2022-2022,主持
[5] 东北大学博士后基金项目,“补贴退坡”压力下的清洁取暖长效发展路径设计:基于内生技术进步视角,2022-2024,主持
[6] 中国人民大学研究生科学研究基金项目,城市清洁能源采暖政策设计研究,2019-2020,主持
[7] 国家重点研发计划项目,“辽宁中部城市群大气污染联防联控技术集成与应用示范——课题一:区域环境空气质量立体监测预警业务化体系建设、课题三:区域大气污染联防联控支撑系统建设与污染防治战略研究”,2017-2021,参与
[8] 国家大气重污染成因与治理攻关项目,“汾渭平原咸阳市大气污染防治‘一市一策’跟踪研究”,2018-2020,参与
[9] 教育部人文社会科学研究项目,“中国节能管理城市分类技术与管理策略研究——基于287个城市面板数据的分析”,2012-2018,参与
[1] 博士研究生国家奖学金,中华人民共和国教育部,2019年.
[2] 硕士研究生国家奖学金,中华人民共和国教育部,2016年.
[3] 本科生国家奖学金,中华人民共和国教育部,2012年、2013年.
[4] 国家留学基金委奖学金,中华人民共和国教育部,2019年.
[5] 北京市优秀硕士毕业生,北京市教委,2017年.
[6] 北京市优秀本科毕业生,北京市教委,2014年.
[7] 中国人民大学“吴玉章”校长奖学金(学生最高荣誉),中国人民大学,2020年.
[8] 中国人民大学三好学生,中国人民大学,2019年.
[1] 宋国君等,《环境政策分析(第二版)》,化学工业出版社,中国人民大学“十三五”规划核心教材,2020-01.
[1] 中国数量经济学会投入产出与大数据研究会理事
[2] 中国管理科学与工程学会会员
[3] Sustainability(SCI / SSCI Q2)Special Issue “Emission Control in Sustainable Transportation System for Better Environment” 客座编辑
[4] Nature Sustainability、Applied Energy、Energy Policy、Energy等国际期刊审稿人。