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姓名:俞竹超 性别:男 职务:0 职称:副教授 硕导 联系电话:024-83681849 所在部门:信息管理与决策科学系 E-mail:[email protected] |
简历 俞竹超,男,博士,1974年2月出生,浙江绍兴人,现任澳门六合彩开奖记录资料-澳门六合彩开奖app 管理科学与工程系副教授。1991-1995年,在东北大学信息科学与工程学院获工学学士学位;1995-1998年在东北大学信息科学与工程学院获工学硕士学位。1998年3月到澳门六合彩开奖记录资料-澳门六合彩开奖app 从事教学与科研工作;2001年9月考入澳门六合彩开奖记录资料-澳门六合彩开奖app 管理科学与工程专业,在职攻读博士学位,师从樊治平教授,重点研究知识管理、知识协同和决策理论,2006年9月获管理学博士学位。2012年1月-2013年1月在英国Strathclyde大学复杂科学中心做公派访问学者一年,主要研究复杂网络与知识协同网络。曾完成国家级科研项目3项,省部级科研项目4项及其他科研项目十多项。2011年获国家自然基金项目“混合驱动机制下知识协同目标网络的状态评价及优化控制研究”(项目编号:71171043)。已发表学术论文三十余篇,其中SCI收录2篇,EI收录11篇,ISTP收录8篇。 研究领域 协同网络、电子商务与商务智能(网络群体智能)、信息管理与管理决策 |
教授课程 Management Game(MBA) 电子商务(MBA) 管理信息系统(MBA) MBABEST21企业管理模拟(MBA) 知识管理(MBA) 知识管理与知识工程(硕士研究生) 电子商务与商务智能(硕士研究生) 决策支持系统(本科生) 数据库原理与应用(本科生) IT项目管理(本科生) 系统分析与设计(本科生) 企业资源计划(本科生) |
教育及工作经历 学习经历 2008.7-2011.12 东北大学信息学院控制科学与工程博士流动站,博士后 2001.9-2006.9 澳门六合彩开奖记录资料-澳门六合彩开奖app ,博士生,管理科学与工程专业,获管理学博士学位 1995.9-1998.3 东北大学信息学院,研究生,工业自动化仪表专业,获工学硕士学位 1991.9-1995.7 东北大学信息学院,本科,工业自动化仪表专业,获工学学士学位 工作经历 2008.1- 澳门六合彩开奖记录资料-澳门六合彩开奖app ,副教授 2001.5-2007.12 澳门六合彩开奖记录资料-澳门六合彩开奖app ,讲师 1998.8- 2001.5 澳门六合彩开奖记录资料-澳门六合彩开奖app ,助教 |
获得荣誉 科研获奖 2010年辽宁省自然科学学术成果(论文类)二等奖 教学获奖 2014年度东北大学学生创新创业活动优秀指导教师; 2014年全国大学生网络商务创新应用大赛优秀指导教师; 2014年度全国多媒体课件大赛二等奖; 2014年度东北大学优秀网络课程“数据库原理与应用”一等奖; 2014年度东北大学教学成果奖 特等奖; 2013年全国大学生网络商务创新应用大赛优秀指导教师; 2013年度东北大学优秀网络课程“决策支持系统”一等奖; 2012年11月东北大学MBA优秀教师; 2012年度东北大学“学生科技创新活动优秀指导教师”; 2011年全国大学生网络商务创新应用大赛优秀指导教师; 2011年度东北大学本科生优秀指导教师; 2010年度东北大学“学生科技创新活动优秀指导教师”; 2010年度东北大学教学成果二等奖; 2010年度东北大学优秀网络课程“IT项目管理”三等奖; 2007年度东北大学本科生优秀指导教师 2006年度辽宁省普通高等学校优秀青年骨干教师 2006年6月获东北大学“本科教学工作水平评估先进个人”的荣誉称号; 2005年度东北高校企业管理挑战赛优秀指导员。 其它获奖 2014年全国大学生网络商务创新应用大赛一等奖、东北赛区一等奖; 2013年指导5位本科生获全国大学生网络商务创新应用大赛二等奖、东北赛区一等奖; 2012年指导3位本科生完成“大学生创新创业计划项目”1项并被评为优秀项目; 2011年指导5位本科生获(首届)海峡两岸暨第四届大陆地区大学生网络商务创新应用大赛东北赛区一等奖; 2011年指导5位本科生获(首届)海峡两岸暨第四届大陆地区大学生网络商务创新应用大赛大陆赛区二等奖; 2010年指导3位本科生完成“大学生创新创业计划项目”1项获评为优秀项目; 2008年指导3位本科生获全国文科大学生计算机设计大赛优胜奖; |
科研项目 以下项目中本人为项目负责人:
Curriculum Vitae
Zhuchao YU
Research Interests
Collaboration Network, Electronic Commerce and Business Intelligence (Network Swarm Intelligence), Information Management and Managerial Decision
2006 Ph.D., Management Science and Engineering, Northeastern University
1998 M.S., Automation Measurement and Control Technology, Northeastern University
1995 B.E., Automation Measurement and Control Technology, Northeastern University
Teaching fellow, School of Business Administration, Northeastern University, 1998 - 2001
Lecturer, School of Business Administration, Northeastern University, 2001 - 2008
Associate Professor, School of Business Administration, Northeastern University, 2008-present
Second Prize of Natural Science Academic Achievement in Liaoning Province, China, 2010
Outstanding Teacher of universities in Liaoning Province, China, 2006
Excellent Prize of Chinese College Students Liberal Arts Computer Design Competition, 2008
Outstanding Supervisor of undergraduate students in Northeastern University, 2009
Third Prize of Excellent Internet Courses in Northeastern University, 2010
Second Prize of Excellent Teaching Achievements in Northeastern University, 2010
Outstanding Director in Students Science and Technology Innovation Activities, 2010
For undergraduate students
System Engineering (2005-2007)
System Analysis and Design (2003-2008)
IT Project management (2009- )
Database Theory and Application (2000-)
Management Information Systems (2001-2008)
Decision Support System and Expert System (1998-)
Network Engineering (2001-2007)
Enterprise Resource Planning (2010)
For postgraduate students
Knowledge Management and Knowledge Engineering (2005- )
For MBA students
Knowledge Management (2010-)
Information Management (2003-2009)
Electronic Commerce (2003-2009)
Management Game (Collaborating with Tepper Business School in Carnegie
Mellon University, USA) (2001- )
Business Simulation (MBABEST21) for MBA (Collaborating with International
Business School in Aoyama Gakuin University, Japan) (2010-)
I have published over 30 papers in journals and over 15 papers in international conference proceedings in recent 10 years. My research papers focused on knowledge management, knowledge collaboration, complex network, social network, operational research and decision method. The selections of published papers are as follows:
[1] Zhuchao Yu, Zhiping Fan. Dynamics Modeling and Simulation of System Catastrophe in Knowledge Collaboration Complexity Network [J], Journal Of Computers, 2010, 5(4): 622-630.
[2] Zhuchao Yu, Zhiping Fan. Evaluation method for collaboration degree in knowledge collaboration team [C], 2010 International Conference on Future Information Technology and Management Engineering (FITME), V2: 502-505, Changzhou, China.
[3] Zhuchao Yu, Tianhui You, Zhiping Fan. A Multiple Criteria Decision Making Method Based on Incomplete Weight Information[J]. Systems Engineering Theory Methodology Applications. 2005, 14(6):506-508. (In Chinese)
[4] Zhuchao Yu, Zhiping Fan. A Framework of Group Decision-Making in Network Environment [C]. IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, 2006, 6(4):135-139.
[5] Zhuchao Yu, Zhiping Fan, Tianhui You. A selection method for partners of knowledge collaboration team [C]. The Proceedings of IE&EM’2006 and AIE&M’2006. China Machine Press. 12-14 Aug. 2006, Shandong University, Weihai, China. China Machine Press.
[6] Zhuchao Yu, Zhiping Fan. Subject-oriented knowledge reconstruction in organizational innovation management[C]. Proceedings of 2005 IEEE International Engineering Management Conference: A Strategic View of Engineering and Technology Management. IEMC 2005, Vol. 3, 735-739. September 11-14, 2005. St.John’s, Newfoundland & Labrador, Canada.
[7] Zhuchao Yu, Zhiping Fan, Dan Li. A framework and operation mechanism for knowledge services [C]. Proceedings of 2005 IEEE International Engineering Management Conference: A Strategic View of Engineering and Technology Management. IEMC 2005, Vol. 3, 907-911. September 11-14, 2005. St.John’s, Newfoundland & Labrador, Canada.
[8] Zhuchao Yu, Zhiping Fan. Simulation and Study of Catastrophe phenomenon in Knowledge Collaboration Complexity Network [C], 2008 IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Information Technology Application (IITA 2008), 21-23 Dec. 2008, Shanghai, China.
[9] Mitsuru Morita, Masahiro Horiuchi, Chiaki Iwai, Masatsugu Oshima, Zhuchao Yu, Bo Xu. A Study on Collectivism and Group Decision-Making—An International Comparison of Japan, China, And Russia Using A Gaming Simulation, The Association for Business Simulation and Experiential Learning (ABSEL2011), Vol. 33, USA, Pensacola, FL, 16-18 March 2011.
[10] Mitsuru Morita, Masahiro Horiuchi, Chiaki Iwai, Masatsugu Oshima, Zhuchao Yu. An Experiment On Group Decision-Making Using A Business Game: An International Comparison Of MBA Students In Japan, China, And Russia, The Association for Business Simulation and Experiential Learning (ABSEL2010), Vol. 32: 141-150, USA, Little Rock, 24-26 March 2010.
[11] Tianhui You, Feifei Li, Zhuchao Yu. A method for evaluating the knowledge transfer ability in organization. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4092(2006) 576-585.
[12] Tianhui You, Zhiping Fan, Zhuchao Yu. An assignment method for group decision making with uncertain preference ordinals. Journal of System Science and System Engineering, (2010), accepted.
[13] Tianhui You, Zhiping Fan, Zhuchao Yu. A method for group decision making with preference information in ordinal interval form. Journal of Northeastern University (Natural Science), 28(2) (2007) 286-288. (In Chinese)
[14] Tianhui You, Zhiping Fan, Zhuchao Yu. Evaluation based on evidential theory for knowledge sharing risk in organization. Journal of Northeastern University (Natural Science), 27(11) (2006) 1287-1290. (In Chinese)
[15] Tianhui You, Zhuchao Yu, Zhiping Fan. A multiple criteria decision making method based on incomplete weight information. Systems Engineering-Theory Methodology Applications, 14(6) (2005) 506-508. (In Chinese)
[16] Tianhui You, Ying-yu Qu, Zhuchao Yu. A framework of CBR-based bidding knowledge management system for building construction enterprise. The Meeting Paper, the Proceedings of IEEE Engineering Management, Services Management and Knowledge Management, Shanghai, China, 2007.
[17] Tianhui You, Zhuchao Yu, Feifei Li. A framework of knowledge service platform on library. International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, 6(6) (2006) 101-105.
[18] Tianhui You, Yong-ze Tan, Zhuchao Yu. A framework of new product developing oriented knowledge pushing system. The Meeting Paper, the Proceedings of IE&EM’2006 and AIE&M’2006, China.