

澳门六合彩开奖记录资料  信息管理与决策科学系


  职称:副教授 博导
  E-mail:[email protected]

国际MBA课程:Project Management(项目管理)
女,博士,1983年出生,辽宁鞍山人。2011年在香港大学获得博士学位,现任澳门六合彩开奖记录资料-澳门六合彩开奖app 信息管理与决策科学系副教授,兼任中国优选法统筹学与经济数学研究会之服务科学与运作管理分会理事、行为运筹与管理分会理事、POMS国际学术组织会员、中国运筹学会会员,担任International Journal of Production Research、Expert Systems with Applications、Computers & Industrial Engineering等国际杂志的评审专家。
近年来,围绕运作管理和管理决策分析等领域主持国家自然科学基金、教育部人文社科基金及中国博士后科学基金特别资助等项目共计8项,参与国家自然科学基金项目7项;在Information Sciences、International Journal of Production Research、Expert Systems with Applications、Computers & Industrial Engineering、Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing等重要国际杂志上发表论文,其中,被SCI/SSCI检索的文章共计16篇,包括JCR-1区9篇、JCR-2区2篇、JCR-3区4篇;作为第一作者或通讯作者发表的SCI/SSCI文章11篇;在系统工程理论与实践、中国管理科学、管理学报等重要国内杂志上发表论文5篇。
2007/9–2011/9, 香港大学,工业与制造系统工程系,博士
2005/9–2007/7, 大连理工大学,管理学院,管理科学与工程专业,硕士
2001/9–2005/7, 大连理工大学,应用数学系,信息与计算科学专业,学士
2016/1–至今,东北大学,澳门六合彩开奖记录资料 ,副教授
2011/9–2015/12,东北大学,澳门六合彩开奖记录资料 ,讲师

[1] 基于行为实验的考虑消费者时间偏好的商品多重定价策略(71772034),国家自然科学基金(面上项目),负责人,2018.1-2021.12.
[2] 公平视角下基于价格歧视的主题公园景区收费策略:实证分析与模型研究(17YJC630162),教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目,负责人,2017.1-2019.12.
[3] 考虑风险与时间偏好行为的易逝品动态定价方法(2015T80267),中国博士后科学基金特别资助项目,负责人,2015.1-2016.12.
[4] 考虑顾客行为的易逝品定价问题:理论扩展与在中国快速消费品市场的实证研究(N140604003),中央高校基本科研业务费项目,负责人,2015.1-2016.12.
[5] 面向决策知识集成创新的多源知识融合方法研究(71201020),国家自然科学基金(青年项目),负责人,2013.1-2015.12.(后评估:优秀)
[6] 考虑公平与社会偏好的服务供应链契约协调决策方法研究(2013M540233),中国博士后科学基金项目(一等资助),负责人,2013.1-2014.12.
[7] 考虑顾客感知公平的服务供应链契约设计与协调决策方法研究(N120406002),中央高校基本科研业务费项目,负责人,2013.1-2014.12.
[8] 面向复杂决策的多源决策知识融合方法研究(20121007),辽宁省博士启动项目,负责人,2012.8-2015.8.

[1] Wang Xiaohuan (王晓欢)*, Fan Zhi-Ping, Li Haibin, 2020. Investigating the discriminatory pricing strategy of theme parks considering visitors' perceptions. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, doi: 10.1080/10941665.2020.1801783 (SCI检索,Impact factor: 2.017, JCR-3区

[2] Wang Xiaohuan (王晓欢)*, Tian Jiaqi, Fan Zhi-Ping, 2020. Optimal presale strategy considering consumers’ preference reversal and inconsistency. Computers & Industrial Engineering, forthcoming (SCI检索,Impact factor: 3.518, JCR-1区)
[3] Wang Xiaohuan (王晓欢)*, Xie Jingchao, Fan Zhi-Ping, 2020. B2C cross-border E-commerce logistic mode selection considering product returns. International Journal of Production Research, //dx.doi.org/10.1080/00207543.2020.1752949 (SCI检索,Impact factor: 3.199, JCR-1区)
[4] Huang Shuai, Fan Zhi-Ping, Wang Xiaohuan (王晓欢), 2019. The impact of transportation fee on the performance of capital-constrained supply chain under 3PL financing service. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 130, 358-369. //dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cie.2019.02.048 (SCI检索,Impact factor: 3.518, JCR-1区)
[5] Huang Shuai, Fan Zhi-Ping, Wang Xiaohuan (王晓欢),2019. Optimal operational strategies of supply chain under financing service by a 3PL firm. International Journal of Production Research, 57(11): 3405-3420 //dx.doi.org/10.1080/00207543.2018.1534017 (SCI检索,Impact factor: 3.199, JCR-1区)
[6] Huang Shuai, Fan Zhi-Ping, Wang Xiaohuan (王晓欢),2019. Optimal financing and operational decisions of capital-constrained manufacturer under green credit and subsidy. Journal of Industrial and management optimization, //dx.doi.org/10.3934/jimo.2019110. (SCI检索,Impact factor: 1.025, JCR-3区).
[7] Wang Xiaohuan (王晓欢)*, Fan Zhi-Ping, Liu Zheng, 2016. Optimal markdown policy of perishable food under the consumer price fairness perception. International Journal of Production Research, //dx.doi.org/10.1080/00207543.2016.1179810. (SCI检索,Impact factor: 2.325, JCR-1区).
[8] Wang Ningning, Fan Zhi-Ping, Wang Xiaohuan (王晓欢)*, 2016. Channel coordination in logistics service supply chain considering fairness, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Article ID 9621794, //dx.doi.org/10.1155/2016/9621794. (SCI检索, Impact factor: 0.762, JCR-3区).
[9] Wang Xiaohuan (王晓欢)*, Fan Zhi-Ping, Wang Yiming, Li Manning. A laboratory exploration for multi-period perishable food pricing, British Food Journal, 2015, 117(9): 2214-2233. (SCI检索, Impact factor: 0.772, JCR-3区).
[10] 王宁宁,王晓欢*,樊治平,2015. 考虑模糊需求和不公平延误的批发价格契约与协调,东北大学学报(自然科学版), 9: 1358-1362. (EI检索).
[11] 王宁宁,王晓欢,樊治平,2015. 模糊需求下考虑公平关切的收益共享契约与协调,中国管理科学,23(8):139-147.
[12] 王晓欢,王宁宁,樊治平,2014. 基于强化学习的订单生产型企业的订单接受策略,系统工程理论与实践,34(12): 3121-3129. (EI检索).
[13] Fan Zhi-Ping, Li Yong-Hai, Wang Xiaohuan (王晓欢)*, Yang Liu, 2014. Hybrid similarity measure for case retrieval in CBR and its application to emergency response towards gas explosion, Expert Systems with Applications, 41(5): 2526-2534. (SCI检索, Impact factor: 1.965, JCR-1区).
[14] Wang Gong, Wong T.N., Wang Xiaohuan (王晓欢), 2014. A hybrid multi-agent negotiation protocol supporting agent mobility in virtual enterprises, Information Sciences, 282: 1-14. (SCI检索, Impact factor: 3.893, JCR-1区).
[15] Wang Xiaohuan (王晓欢)*, Wong T.N., Fan Zhi-Ping, 2013. Ontology-based supply chain decision support for steel manufacturers in China, Expert Systems with Applications, 40(18): 7519-7533. (SCI检索, Impact factor: 1.965, JCR-1区).
[16] Wang Gong, Wong T. N., Wang Xiaohuan (王晓欢), 2013. An ontology based approach to organize multi-agent assisted supply chain negotiations, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 65(1): 2-15. (SCI检索, Impact factor: 1.142, JCR-2区).
[17] Wang Xiaohuan (王晓欢)*, Wong, T. N., Wang Gong, 2012. An ontological intelligent agent platform to establish an ecological virtual enterprise, Expert Systems with Applications, 39(8): 7050-7061. (SCI检索, Impact factor: 1.965, JCR-1区).
[18] Wang Xiaohuan (王晓欢)*,Wong, T. N., Wang Gong, 2012. Service-oriented architecture for ontologies supporting multi-agent system negotiations in virtual enterprises, Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 23(4): 1331-1349. (SCI检索, Impact factor: 1.142, JCR-3区).
[19] Wang Xiaohuan (王晓欢)*, Wong, T. N., Wang Gong, 2011. Knowledge representation for multi-agent negotiations in virtual enterprises, International Journal of Production Research, 49(14): 4275-4297. (SCI检索, Impact factor: 1.323, JCR-2区).
[20]  吴江宁,王晓欢,2009. 面向呼叫中心的知识导航系统研究,大连理工大学学报, 49(6):977-984.
[21]  吴江宁,王晓欢,2008. 企业隐性知识导航方法研究,管理学报,5(1):40-43.
[22]  Wu Jiangning, Wang Xiaohuan (王晓欢), 2007. A knowledge navigation method for the domain of customers' services of mobile communication corporations in China, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, 4682: 340-349. (EI检索).
[23]  Wu Jiangning, Wang Xiaohuan (王晓欢),2007. Domain knowledge navigator: Topic Map for practical usages, International Journal of Knowledge and Systems Sciences, 4(4): 44-51.


